Texas Hold 'em Poo-ker
I love a bit of friendly poker with friends, especially when there's no money involved to lose. One of our hosts bought some 'POO' chips to try from an Asian supermarket in Kingsford — mostly for the shock/humor factor. They seemed to be made from tofu although I'm not actually sure why they're called poo and they had the textural consistency of polystyrene — perhaps they were. Maybe it's a marketing ploy to get all the tourist who visit Indonesia to buy them for a laugh? They smelt a bit like cardboard and tasted about the same and left a pretty bad aftertaste. Very unappetising for my palate and they didn't go down too well with the rest of the table. I guess they live up to their name of being pretty sh*t and cr*p in my books. Thankfully we had some nice potsticker dumplings, pizzas, salads and chocolate dessert to eat throughout the night to help get rid of the aftertaste.
PROS: It'll probably get a laugh
CONS: Very unappetising smell and taste
MUST TRY: Avoid eating
POO packaging complete with smiley woman.
Ingredients: Beancurd, MSG,Vegetable Oil, Salt.
Dumplings and salad
Pizza time
Dessert time of chocolate mousse in handmade chocolate cups made with balloons
The starting chips
Let's play
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